
Implementing Digital Transformation For Improved Customer Experience

Digital Transformation: businesses go through a digital transformation for a variety of reasons, most frequently to modernize technologies, increase productivity, be more efficient, and streamline processes.Though these are the efforts that companies prioritize when they begin the process of digital transformation, the customer and enhancing the customer experience frequently serve as their main motivators.We'll go over what digital transformation is in this article and how it can improve the customer experience.

Implementing Digital Transformation for Improved Customer Experience

Customer experience: what is it?

The term "customer experience" describes how consumers see a company based on their interactions with it during the purchasing process. The whole customer journey, from the moment of first awareness and consideration to the completion of a purchase and the post-transaction assistance, is encompassed in the customer experience.Customers are the top priority for the most prosperous firms, and for good reason—enhancing the customer experience may boost sales by up to 80% for enterprises. Enhancing the client experience thus becomes a primary motivator for digital transformation projects.

How does digital transformation work?

The term "digital transformation" describes the process of incorporating contemporary technology into corporate operations in order to boost operational effectiveness, enhance customer value, and raise business value. Organizations frequently understand digital transformation in different ways. However, the basic idea is switching from antiquated tools and technologies to contemporary ones that can advance the company's operations.When considering digital transformation from the standpoint of the content management system (CMS) sector, for instance, companies must transition from legacy systems and conventional online content management systems (CMSs) to headless CMSs, which allow them to create digital experience platforms and other modular solutions.By 2026, it is anticipated that businesses will have invested $3.4 trillion in digital transformation projects in an effort to adapt to shifting consumer demands and stay competitive.Organizations considering or undertaking digital transformation should understand, nevertheless, that this will be a continuous process since new technologies, such as artificial intelligence breakthroughs and virtual reality and the Internet of Things, are being developed on a daily basis. These companies thus need to set themselves up to continuously upgrade their operations and adjust to new technological advancements.

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The rationale for digital transformation

For companies of all sizes, digital transformation has developed into more than just a pleasant thing. All businesses now need to undergo digital transformation in order to stay up with the rapidly evolving demands of their customers and the speed of innovation.

Ongoing innovation

Businesses must undergo a digital transformation due to the rapid improvements in technology. The advent of artificial intelligence, along with cloud computing prior to it, has significantly transformed the operations and potential of several enterprises.Furthermore, social media and instant messaging applications have enabled individuals to communicate with each other at any time thanks to technology. Customer expectations have increased as a result of this constant availability made possible by innovation.

Shifting consumer expectations and behavior

The consumer of today has more alternatives than in the past.After just one negative encounter, more over half of the clients would go to a rival. They may quickly and guilt-free go to rival businesses if one isn't giving them the kind of customer experience they desire.But they're also open to collaborating with businesses to support them in providing a top-notch experience. For example, customers are happy to provide businesses their personal information if doing so would allow them to have a more tailored experience. Businesses that adopt a digital transformation strategy may equip themselves with the necessary tools to adapt effectively to these shifts in consumer expectations and behavior before they become less competitive.

Survival and adaptability

As consumer expectations increase and technology develops, firms must adapt to the digital age in order to stay in business. Businesses may respond to and, to some extent, anticipate shifts in customer behavior or economic instability by utilizing contemporary technologies and resources.Since the start of the decade, modern organizations have needed to demonstrate the capacity to change course when necessary, and this skill will be crucial going forward.

advantages of digital transformation

Even if digital transformation is now required, businesses who start the process early may get a number of advantages from it.

  • Enhanced productivity: Automation of internal procedures, streamlining of operations, and a decrease in manual mistakes are all possible with digital transformation. These adjustments may boost output, which results in a more effective company.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Improving the customer experience is perhaps the primary advantage of digital transformation. Businesses may provide clients with seamless digital experiences across numerous channels by implementing a digital transformation. Additionally, they might incorporate round-the-clock accessibility and prompt customer support to address any problems clients could have.
  • Competitive advantage: Following a digital transformation, organizations can gain an edge thanks to the contemporary technology they can use. Businesses will be able to anticipate client wants and react more quickly than their rivals because of their increased flexibility and adaptability.
  • Savings: Digital transformation may help firms optimize and save costs in a number of ways, including by automating laborious procedures and streamlining operations.
  • Enhanced agility: Businesses can more swiftly adjust to new technologies, shifts in consumer tastes, and other developments thanks to digital transformation. A legacy system could make firms more susceptible to changes, but digital transformation offers the necessary flexibility.

What does the customer experience imply by digital information?

Enhancing the client experience is frequently the primary motivation behind businesses' attempts to go digital."Every digital revolution is going to begin and finish with the customer, and I can see it in the brains of every CEO I talk to," stated Salesforce Chairman and Co-CEO Marc Benioff once. During digital transformation, the consumer has a central role since substantial advantages that are centered around the customer may be realized.

extremely customized

Consumers anticipate tailored experiences from their preferred brands. Hyper-personalization may be achieved with an efficient digital transformation, allowing for the creation of a highly customized and granular customer experience that makes use of real-time data rather than merely consumer preferences.

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Five strategies to succeed in personalizing the client experience

  • These best practices are what firms should adhere to in order to offer a hyper-personalized client experience.
  • Make sure the company's goals and vision center on the needs of the consumer.
  • Make thorough custom profiles in order to fully comprehend the intended audience.
  • Establish a customer-focused culture inside the company and provide everyone with the necessary information.
  • Integrate consumer input into the whole customer experience.

Use the appropriate technology, such as headless content management systems, personalization engines, and cutting-edge business intelligence and analytics tools, to provide a customized consumer experience.

dissemination of material via several channels

There are several channels involved in the current consumer journey. As a result, businesses cannot expect customers to react to material they offer on a single channel. They must instead provide multichannel content delivery.Businesses may distribute information to customers across several channels and create a unified, seamless experience that unifies different channels by adopting an omnichannel strategy. Customers may now switch between channels without experiencing a decline in quality or feeling as though they've switched brands thanks to this.An omnichannel approach that links customers across many touchpoints may be made possible by the digital transformation that includes the addition of a headless CMS.

Customer insights powered by data

Businesses may harness data gathered from many touchpoints to develop consumer insights and adjust marketing tactics by using digital transformation and current tools. Businesses may provide customers with precisely what they want, when they want it, with improved data.In the soon-to-be cookieless era, first-party data will become essential to all businesses. If consumers are ready to spend more time on brands' own platforms rather than third-party ones, brands will be able to uncover more information about them. Digital transformation is the only way to have the freedom to use that data appropriately.

1. Here are five instances of how digital transformation may enhance customer satisfaction

When digital transformation is implemented successfully, the customer experience is enhanced. Here are several instances of companies that updated their technology and underwent a digital makeover to give clients a better experience.1. Boosting revenue with an effective website.Lick is an online retailer with a focus on interior design. The company needed greater scalability and flexibility to manage the surge in traffic as customers quickly embraced eCommerce, which was a crucial component of the digital transition.Lick built the front end of their eCommerce website with Hygraph and uses it to manage its product inventory. By employing a modular strategy, businesses may localize content for consumers throughout the EU and accelerate time to market by utilizing adaptable content models.

2. Using a detachable customer gateway to engage consumers

For Samsung Electronics Germany to maintain customer engagement across many channels, a contemporary customer site was necessary.Hygraph was used by to create a modular members platform that replaced their mobile-only portal.The opportunity to interact with more consumers was one of the main advantages, as those who purchased non-mobile items could also take advantage of customer-only deals through the members portal web app. Additionally, Samsung would be able to obtain first-party data in order to keep providing its consumers with the experience they want.

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3. Using a platform for market information to accelerate time to market

BioCentury, a biotechnological knowledge platform, needs to redesign its website to improve user experience. BioCentury switched to Hygraph headless CMS in order to do this. The updated website serves as a market intelligence tool for biotech executives to learn about the most recent developments in the sector.BioCentury can efficiently and precisely distribute time-sensitive material across several touchpoints by utilizing Hygraph. One of the main components of the excellent customer experience made possible by digital transformation is this multichannel content delivery.

4. Utilizing a corporate resource center to streamline content updates

Dashlane, a password manager startup, has to provide its consumers a wide range of material. They were unable to do that, though, and the productivity of their engineers and marketers was constrained by their old static website.After going digital, Dashlane fixed their productivity issue. They used Hygraph to build their corporate resource center, which enables users to learn about cybersecurity and get an understanding of Dashlane.The marketing team enhanced the user experience by completing more work and launching new campaigns without the help of developers. They could illustrate the benefits of Dashlane in a variety of use scenarios with an improved user experience.

5. obtaining consumer data for a media outlet

Users of a video streaming service offered by the multinational telecoms corporation Telenor may access programming from many local television channels. To expand with the company's growth, they had to update and digitally change its streaming service.To retrieve the metadata that accompanied the streaming movies from external APIs, Telenor employed Hygraph. They could be able to accelerate time to market with the new streaming service, allowing users to start enjoying video content sooner.